EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook: U.S. crude oil production is expected to be 13.61 million barrels per day in 2025, compared to previous expectations of 13.59 million barrels per day. U.S. crude oil production is expected to be 13.76 million barrels per day in 2026, compared to previous expectations of 13.73 million barrels per day.
能源:1. 据国际文传电讯社援引哈萨克斯坦国家石油运输商KazTransOil的消息称,哈萨克斯坦在2月份通过“友谊”管道向德国运输了10万吨石油。2. 美国据称尚未延长伊拉克从伊朗购买电力的豁免权。3. 三名伊拉克能源官员表示,伊拉克目前没有伊朗能源进口的替代方案,夏季的高峰消费可能导致严重的电力短缺风险。4. 伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊:德黑兰绝不会接受对削减伊核计划的要求。5. 塞尔维亚总统武契奇:塞尔维亚寻求在5月底之前与俄罗斯续签天然气协议。6. 消息称加拿大提议设立专门工作组监测俄“影子舰队”违反制裁行为,被美国否决。7. 伊拉克将四月份售往亚洲的巴士拉中质原油官方售价设为较阿曼/迪拜均价升水每桶2.15美元,将售往欧洲的巴士拉中质原油官方售价设为较即期布伦特原油价格贴水每桶1.5美元,将售往北美和南美的巴士拉中质原油官方售价定为较阿格斯含硫原油价格贴水0.65美元/桶。贵金属和矿业:1. 印尼拟提高矿业特许权使用费以支撑财政。2. 美商务部长:3月12日起对进口钢铝征收25%关税。3. 瑞银:预计今年钯金的供应缺口约为30万盎司,占需求的3%。4. 澳大利亚1月对美国出口黄金创...
Brazilian Vice President Alckmin: President Lula has approved a series of measures to address food prices, exempting coffee, corn, sugar, sunflower oil and olive oil from import duties.
Reuters poll: OPEC's oil production rose 170,000 barrels per day in February from January to 26.74 million barrels per day, mainly driven by Iran.
Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB): Malaysia's palm oil stocks are expected to fall to 1.50 million tonnes by the end of February, the lowest level in nearly two years.
Iran set the price of Iranian light crude oil sold to Asia in March at $4.35 per barrel above the average price in Oman/Dubai.
US oil achieved a five-day weekly decline last week, but the slowdown in the decline suggests that the long and short forces are constantly pulling. Investment banks said that if such an accident occurs, the potential large downside of crude oil may be exposed.
Iraq will export 185,000 barrels of oil per day from fields in the Kurdish region through the Iraq-Turkey pipeline and gradually increase it to 400,000 barrels per day once oil delivery resumes, Deputy Oil Minister Basm Mohammed said on Sunday. Basm revealed no specific timetable but expected Turkey to respond within 24 hours. Basm said the Kurdistan region's oilfields have a capacity of 300,000 barrels per day, some of which will be used domestically, and the remaining 185,000 barrels per day w...
The total number of oil rigs in the United States in the week to February 21 was 488, compared with 481 previously.
The two oil prices fell by $0.5 in the short term and are now reported at $71.5/barrel and $75.85/barrel, respectively.
On February 21, according to foreign media reports, Farid Amir, an official at the Indonesian trade ministry, said on Friday that the Indonesian government has not discussed restricting palm oil exports before Ramadan. Due to concerns about production, including market speculation that Indonesia may impose export restrictions before Ramadan, Malaysian palm oil futures are expected to post a fifth consecutive week of gains. Farid Amir said, "Such bans have not been discussed. I understand that th...